Hydrogen from Chili?

For any energy solution one proposes, the first question is: can it be scaled up to relevant dimensions?

Our Government’s most recent “solution”: using wind turbines to produce hydrogen in Chili and ship it to Belgian ports.

The good news: they FINALLY understood that the energy problem extends way beyond electricity production. 

What if every country in the world comes up with the same solution? It’ll be crowded in Chili.

This is not a solution. It is a shift of the energy problem.

BRIGID is designed to produce hydrogen by hot steam hydrolysis. The steam is provided by a fleet of 10+ 3 GWth

Annevoie Thorium MSR nuclear power plants. Projected worldwide operational time scale: 1300 years.

Hydrogen is not a primary energy source. It’s an energy carrier.

Wind is a source, but an unreliable and sparse one. It is not available for hydrogen production in Belgium on a relevant scale.

Thorium and uranium are primary energy sources. They are the collection of energy of a super nova explosion. They are dense, cheap and abundant.

Their proper use requires development. That is what BRIGID is doing.